include in python

Peter Hansen peter at
Mon May 5 10:39:16 EDT 2003

Bartek Golenko wrote:
[re splitting a large file into pieces that are then "included"]
> Well, the program I'm writting now is a prototype so it's going to be
> rewritten anyway, but right now I just want a convinient way to split
> the source code into smaller chunks.

I cannot strongly enough recommend against doing this.  If your prototype
is going to be so large that you feel it's inconvenient to work with it
in a single file, then it's certainly too large to manage in a single

Save yourself a lot of hassle, listen to those who've gone there before,
and learn to use "import" properly right now, and you'll save yourself
a much greater inconvenience working with a hideously coupled design
and a style of programming that Python was not intended to handle.


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