Not even an announce! :-)

Francois Pinard pinard at
Fri May 16 20:14:38 EDT 2003

Hi, people.

I guess I'm rather say a few words about this than stay silent: who knows
if it could not be useful to others. :-)

To trigger Gnus[1] into ephemerally reading or modifying either Babyl
files or mbox files, I wrote for myself a Python backend for Gnus named
`nncourriel'.  (A previous incantation of this tool was limited to Babyl
files, and was named `nnrmail'.)  As I have thousands of such files,
this is quite handsome for me.

On the other hand, I did not especially work at making this tool portable
to other environments than mine.  I might clean it a bit in that direction
if there is enough interest or collaboration.  I guess it should be easy --
one difficulty one might stumble on is how to get Emacs to recognise mbox
files for automatically[2] triggering `nncourriel'.  If I do clean this
tool for portability, and following the suggestion of a correspondent,
`nncourriel' might become another example within the Pymacs distribution.

This is not even packaged.  Merely write to me if you want the thing. :-)
If by any chance I get many requests, I will manage something somewhere...

[1] For those who do not know, Gnus is an orchestral rendering of a fugue
and variations on the theme of a news reader :-).  I use it a bit to read
Usenet news, but more heavily to read and handle all my incoming email.
This tool sits over GNU Emacs, it also works with XEmacs.

[2] For one, I get Emacs to rely on the file name.  The full path name of
all my mbox folders looks like '.../courriel/...' or `.../COURRIEL', this
is a convention I follow quite systematically, and which serves me now.

François Pinard

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