ANN: Python Powerpoint slideshow

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Sat May 17 08:34:12 EDT 2003

Stephen Ferg wrote:
> I have created a page devoted to Powerpoint presentations about
> Python, as a way to share a Powerpoint presentation that I developed
> to introduce Python to IT management in a Federal government agency. 
> There are over 80 slides in the show. The presentation is designed
> specifically to address issues of concern to IT managers.
> Feel free to download the slide show, to use it to give your own
> presentations, and to modify it to fit your own needs.

Thank you very much !!!
Here-and-there in my organization people start to
realize that Python might be a very good tool-for-the-job,
and this stuff might actually come in very useful in
the process of, ehm, "awakening" people.

> As supporting material for the presentation, I also created a page
> giving side-by-side comparisons of Java and Python code.  The purpose
> is to provide a brief explanation of why programmers can be more
> productive in Python than in Java.

I have been doing the same thing, but more detailed.
Have a look at
I've included the little example about exceptions from your page,
is that allright?

--Irmen de Jong

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