Newbie can't figure out documentation practices

sismex01 at sismex01 at
Fri May 9 11:16:19 EDT 2003

> The only other area where you're likely to cry a bit is proper string
> interpolation, which sucks in python.

Awww, c'mon, don't scare away the newbies!  Besides, it's
really a matter of perception; for me, Python's string
interpolation is excellent, specially after working
with shell and perl strings. Python's intrpolation feels
more first-world-like, more "formal", instead of perl's
and sh's.

BUT, as I said, it's a matter of personal preference,
appreciation, and perception. :-)

(Or, "Cada quien opina como le fué en la feria"  ;-)

> Other than that, welcome to the most amazing and
> enjoyable language to program I've ever used!
> Best,

Yep, welcome, and remember to always have fun, even
when doing such brain-damaging activities as metaclasses,
coroutines, generators, threads, and such.



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