How can I use python to look at and sort event viewer by event type?

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Thu May 15 00:21:50 EDT 2003

junk at wrote:
> How can I use python to look at and sort event viewer by event type? 
> I'm very new at programing in general so forgive me for my naivety.  I
> bought Python Programming for WIN32 and there is something in there for
> reading the sourcename but I need to be able to read the Event types. 
> I've tried to modify the example from the book for source name but I've
> not been able to figure it out and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated.
>  I'm sure there is an easy way of doing this but I'm having a hard time
> finding it.
> This is the script I found for the source name.
> import win32evtlog
> h=win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(XYZ, "Application")
> records=win32evtlog.ReadEventLog(h, flags,0)
> records[0].SourceName
> If I substitute SourceName for EventType I get a number but I want it to
> show if its a warning, success, or an error.

I think you will find the number corresponds to one of 
win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE.  There are also some other 
constants for audit records etc.


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