John Hunter jdhunter at
Fri May 9 11:22:23 EDT 2003

>>>>> "patrix" == patrix  <pheer at> writes:

    patrix> If i inport a var from a dtml form to python the var coms
    patrix> with ' ' THE peace of code

    patrix> REQUEST = container.REQUEST Bdag = REQUEST['Bdag']
    patrix> REQUEST = container.REQUEST Bmaand = REQUEST['Bmaand']
    patrix> REQUEST = container.REQUEST Bjaar = REQUEST['Bjaar']
    patrix> bdate = DateTime(Bjaar,Bmaand,Bdag,0,0,0)

    patrix> THE error
    patrix> Error Type: DateTimeError Error Value: Invalid date:
    patrix> ('2002', '1', '1', 0, 0, 0)
    patrix> so how i get the ' ' of the var

Maybe my eyes are just failing me, but in the exception

    Error Type: DateTimeError Error Value: Invalid date:
    ('2002', '1', '1', 0, 0, 0)

I don't see any spaces, so this may not be your problem.  However, you
are mixing strings and integers -- that looks suspicious.

Try this:

  bdate = DateTime('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (int(year), int(month), int(day)))

This will create a formatted string like '2002-01-01' which date time
will be happy to process

Also, you do not need to set the request multiple times, the following
will do

    REQUEST = container.REQUEST  # or is context.REQUEST better?
    year  = REQUEST['Bdag']
    month = REQUEST['Bmaand']
    day   = REQUEST['Bjaar']
    bdate = DateTime('%04d-%02d-%02d' % (int(year), int(month), int(day)))


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