newbie help ?

Beanie nospam at
Thu May 15 10:42:40 EDT 2003

I have the code below which is supposed to run in  plone to pull a code out
of a text file and mail it to a person, it dosen't work and i don't know
why. It dosn't help that I don't really no how to cofe in python i'm more of
a c/vb/asp/ada person. i've been loking throught the net for any online
tutorials / resources and ahven't found a lot that was helpful. anybody
a) what is wrong witht hescript - got to be something simple most of it is
hacked from examples
b) where to get good resources on python scripting


# Example code:

# Import a standard function, and get the HTML request and response objects.
from Products.PythonScripts.standard import html_quote
request = container.REQUEST

referer = request.came_from

if request.from_addr == '':
   RESPONSE.redirect( '%s?portal_status_message=%s' % ( referer, "You have
not entered your E-Mail address" ) )

file=open("codes.txt",'r+') #open the file

strCode=file.readlines() # read all of the file into a list
strDiscountCode = strCode.pop(0) #get one code
if strDiscountCode =="": #if its null we run out so mail me
 mail_text = context.comments_template(
    from_name = " Discount Codes",
    from_addr = "codes at domain",
    who = "me at me",
    comments =  request.from_addr , "tried for a code but we run out.")

 host = context.MailHost
 host.send( mail_text )

 RESPONSE.redirect( '%s?portal_status_message=%s' % ( referer, "Sorry we
have temporarily run out of codes one will be sent as soon as
possible!" ) );
else: # else send them the code
 mail_text = context.comments_template(
    from_name = "Discount Codes",
    from_addr = "codes at domain",
    who = request.from_addr,
    comments =  "Your Discount code is:" & strDiscountCode & ".")

 host = context.MailHost
 host.send( mail_text )

 RESPONSE.redirect( '%s?portal_status_message=%s' % ( referer, "Your
discount code has been sent. Thank you." ) );

        file.writelines(strCodes) #rewrite the file with missing code

file.close()# close the file


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