two newbie questions "cyclic class dependencies" and "date from string"

Daan Hoogland hoogland at
Tue May 13 02:30:10 EDT 2003

H everyone,

I'm new as the title sugests. And I'd like two classes to be able to
instantiate each other:

<file name=''>
class A:
  def __init__(self):
    self.b = B();

class B:
  def delegate(self, a):
    a = A();
    return a;

x = A();
y = None;
y = x.b.delegate(y);
print x;
print y;

this works. Now I want to have these lines in three files. so adding some
import statements seemed the obvious. It failed for equally obvious reasons:

ImportError: cannot import name A                                               

<file name="">
from B import B;
class A:
  def __init__(self):
    self.b = B();

<file name="">
from A import A;
class B:
  def delegate(self, a):
    a = A();

<file name="">
from A import A;
x = A();
y = None;
y = x.b.delegate(y);
print x;
print y;

bash-2.04$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
    from A import A;
  File "/data/home/daan/tmp/", line 1, in ?
    from B import B;
  File "/data/home/daan/tmp/", line 1, in ?
    from A import A;
ImportError: cannot import name A                                               

Is there a trick around this? Any advice on reading on object orientation in
python? My oo is good, i think.

I can't find a function to convert a date string back to a datetime object. The
date i have is returned by postgresql in the (well known) format "YYYY-MM-DD
hh:mm:ss:mmmmmm". Am i missing something in the help? Or is there an extended
Date package that does this?


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