dtml-var in python

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Thu May 8 09:47:11 EDT 2003

>>>>> "patrix" == patrix  <pheer at chello.nl> writes:

    patrix> i made a little example this is the dtml code:

    patrix> <dtml-if zoo> <dtml-var zoo> <dtml-var test>
    patrix> <dtml-else>
    patrix>  <form action="<dtml-var URL>" method="GET"> <input
    patrix> name="zoo"> <input type="submit" value="wat is zoo">
    patrix> </form>
    patrix> </dtml-if>

    patrix> and this is the python code:
    patrix> s = context.zoo return s
    patrix> but i wont work please tell me what i do wrong

Oh!  You should have mentioned that it was a form variable.  The more
information you provide in your original post, the sooner you'll get

BTW, before I answer your question, if you haven't read The Zope Book
you should.  It's available in hardcopy and PDF.

Form variables are available in the REQUEST object.  In your python script

  REQUEST = container.REQUEST
  zoo = REQUEST['zoo']

If you are not sure if a value will be provided, and want to provide
default behavior, you can use

  zoo = REQUEST.get('zoo', 'BigZoo')

where 'BigZoo' is the default value (plug for my excellent long
distance service).


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