indirect function calls and variable variables

Randall Smith randall at
Wed May 21 00:35:55 EDT 2003

Question:  Is it feasible to make indirect function calls in python?


def f1():
	blah blah
	blah blah
def f2():
	foo doo
	doo foo
def f3():
	yik yak
	mee yow
def fInfinity():
	yo yo
	yaw yaw

#what i'm trying to avoid
def do_f(f):
	if f == 'f1': f1()
	if f == 'f2': f2()
	if f == 'f3': f3()
	if f == 'fInfinity': youGetThePoint()

#what i'd like to do instead
def do_f(f):
	f() # this doesn't work, but maybe you get the point.

While I'm at it, can Python do variable variables?
	$var = 'hey'
	$$var = 'dude'

	echo $dude

	output: hey

I used this alot in PHP.  Is there a way to do it in Python?


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