scopes? (is: I don't get it ...)

Axel Bock news-and-lists at
Thu May 29 08:02:29 EDT 2003

Hi all, 

a simple question about modules (and perhaps scopes), illustrated with a
simple example. 
Given is the module listed down here:
	t1 = []
	t2 = 0
	def testme():
	    print t1
	    print t2

now I'm doing int the python shell:
	>>> import test
	>>> test.testme()
great, huh?
now I remove the comment from line 3 of testme(), and going for it again: 
	>>> reload(test)
	<module 'test' from ''>
	>>> test.testme()
	Traceback (most recent call last):
	  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
	  File "", line 6, in testme
	    print t2
	UnboundLocalError: local variable 't2' referenced before assignment
so. WHY???? I mean, print works, so it gets the variable. If I wouldn't
know it, I could hardly print the value, right?? So what's the problem
with the assignment in line 3?

thankful for any help! :-)



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