Gadfly question

Gerhard Häring gh at
Tue May 20 20:23:26 EDT 2003

matthew wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed and been playing around quickly with Gadfly. [...] [SELECT * FROM ...]
> ie: Table defined as Name,Phone, FAX, Nickname
> output tuple gives fields as Phone, FAX, Nickname, Name
> Shouldn't they be identical?

Maybe. The lesson you learnt today is to not use SELECT * ;-)

Your SQL will be more maintanable without SELECT *, anyway. It's better 
to always name the columns you request explicitly. The reason why I 
always recommend this is that if you ever insert an additional column, 
your existing code will continue to work. That certain databases return 
the columns in a more or less random order is news to me, but only 
reinforces my belief that SELECT * is evil.

-- Gerhard

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