pysqlite multiple connections

Gerhard Häring gh at
Wed May 7 19:01:31 EDT 2003

* Tertius Cronje <tcronj at> [2003-05-08 00:24 +0200]:
> Gerhard, thank you so much.
> This gives me a few more options to consider.  The application I want
> to use it for will probably not be used by more than 10 users. I'll
> have to build some extra logic into the code to enable single use of a
> cursor.

You can have multiple cursors per connection, that's no problem.
Transactions are started implicitely by opening the first cursor for a
connection. Then you use .commit() and .rollback() on the connection
object. Unless you turn off transactions by setting autocommit=True, of

> I was looking for some simple code examples but without any luck.

My small apps usually look like this:

There is a module for the database stuff that looks approx. like:

#  Module
con = None

def open_con():
    con = sqlite.connect(...)

def getcon():
    return con

Now somewhere in your app you can have code like:

# Module
import db

def get_users():
    cursor = db.getcon().cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT ...")
    return cursor.fetchall()

def format_users():
    buf = StringIO.StringIO()
    for row in get_users():
        print >>buf, ...
    return str(buf)

> One example that caught my attention is the round-up project but I
> have not yet managed decipher the code.

Another prominent example is PyPI, from the same author.

mail:   gh at

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