Introspect current module to get classes

Troy Melhase troy at
Fri May 30 21:16:07 EDT 2003

Hi Edmund:

Put the following code in a module named "":

class A(object):

class B(A):

class C(A):

def list_local_classes():
    this_mod = __import__(__name__)
    return [val for val in this_mod.__dict__.values()
                if isinstance(val, type)]

local_classes = list_local_classes()

Then fire up your python interpreter and try it out like this:

troy at marchhare tmp $ python
Python 2.2.2 (#1, Mar 19 2003, 01:56:47)
[GCC 3.2.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import look_at_me
>>> look_at_me.local_classes
[<class 'look_at_me.A'>, <class 'look_at_me.C'>, <class 'look_at_me.B'>]

You'll probably want to adjust the "if isinstance" check to your meet your
needs.  Hope this helps,


Edmund wrote:

> I have a module that needs to do some initialization based on a list
> of classes defined in itself.
> There has to be a way to determine what classes are defined in a
> module (and not imported, etc.), within the module itself, but I can't
> figure out how... Can anybody help?
> Thanks!
> ...Edmund.

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