HELP needed: Tricks for licensing Python software

Max Khesin max at
Mon May 19 10:46:07 EDT 2003

> We get posts about "securing" python code fairly often.  The simple
> answer is that python is expressly _not_ designed for that.  If you
> must do it, better put it in a C extension.  Better still, forget
> about it and find a better business model :).

I am not sure what you mean here. What's wrong with requiring people to pay
for software? It is hardly unfair. And if what you mean to say is that using
software locks is a loosing proposition I will agree with you that if your
goal is to insure none ever rips you off, it is a probably loosing
proposition (unless your software is not interesting enough to a cracker,
which may well be the case). But if the goal is to get significantly higher
percentage of your users to pay up software locks may be a fine mechanism.

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