MySQLdb, escaping values

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed May 7 08:31:46 EDT 2003

    John>   c.execute('select * from image where pid=%d', (1234,))
    John>   c.execute('select * from image where pid=%d', 1234)

I believe you are just supposed to always use %s.  MySQLdb (or _mysql
beneath it) takes care of the type info.

    John> but this call works as expected:

    John>   c.execute('select * from image where pid=%d' % 1234)

Well, yeah, but Python's doing the stringifying.  This wouldn't work as
expected though:

    c.execute('select * from image where descrip=%s' % '''"Strange, isn't it?"''')

    John> So I often use a hybrid of python and mysql string format capabilities
    John> as a workaround.

Shouldn't be necessary in my experience.


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