most unreliable GNU project

CipoFuzo cipofuzo at
Wed May 14 20:10:04 EDT 2003


I had no idea that anyone would look at my original
post as flamebait.

To those that do, I must apologize.

I was frustrated with all the bugs I was running into
with imagemagick. Next time I'll count to 10.

However, I find posts that point out strongholds and
weaknesses of sofware packages quite useful as I can
learn from them.

In fact, that's how I found out about python as well.
In another newsgroup I read a quite long "troll" thread
which was python vs. [another scripting language, 4 
letters, also starts with 'p'].

I see your point though.
I'm very sorry.


In article <mailman.1052938401.7937.python-list at>, Chad Netzer wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 09:10, CipoFuzo wrote:
>> Thanks Gerhard,
>> You've been really helpful.
> That reads like a sarcastic response, and if so, you are flirting
> dangerously with my, and I'll assume others, 'killfile'.
> Considering the valuable help that people have provided you this past
> week, I'd suggest you give Gerhard's advice some real consideration.
> We have ALL worked with libraries, toolkits, etc. that have given us
> real frustration in their interface design decisions.  Pointing out your
> frustrations with regards to using a specific library with Python, is a
> valid, and even oft posted comment.  But taking out your frustrations by
> posting flamebait, and soliciting an off-topic trolling thread, is not
> looked on with high regard.
> Also, ImageMagick is *NOT* part of the GNU project, and has no
> affiliation, that I can see, with the GNU project at all.  It doesn't
> even appear to be GPL, but instead has a simple "do what you wish, don't
> blame me for bugs"-type license.
> There are a LOT of people doing a LOT of work to be helpful to new
> Python programmers, and new programmers in general, on this list.  That
> takes effort, and I think none of us want to see that change for the
> worse.  I enjoy helping people starting out with the language, because
> in doing so, I learn quite a bit, and become that much more effective a
> programmer.  But to keep the frequent responders satisfied, we need some
> acknowledgement (to boost our egos, and let us know our advice has some
> worth, so that we can be confident giving it again when necessary), and
> we need a good signal-to-noise ratio, so that we have time to read and
> respond.
> I now nominate this thread as the sole flamebait thread of the month. 
> All trolls should post here. :)

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