3 beginner questions!

Alex Martelli aleax at aleax.it
Wed May 7 17:53:46 EDT 2003

<posted & mailed>

Ali Dada wrote:

>> Before *instantiating* widgets, you need to instantiate QApplication.
>> Did you do that...?
> nope! how should i do that (i should give it an argument but i don't
> know the type of this argument) and where should i do that (seperate
> file than that generated?)

The general pattern is:

import sys
import qt

# make the application object (it needs the list of arguments)
app = qt.QApplication(sys.argv)

# ensure the application ends when its last window is closed

# let's see the form that lives in myform.py
import myform
form = myform.Form1()

That's all!  You don't need to alter myform.py to display the form, etc.

Actually, pyuic has several handy switches, one of which basically
generates this "let's see the form" code as a part of form.py --
AND nicely protected, as Python idiom requires, by a guard of the form

if __name__ == '__main__':

so that the "let's see the form" code won't execute if what you're doing
is (normal case) IMPORTING the form module -- only if you're RUNNING this
generated Python file as the main script!

So, a command such as:

pyuic -x myform.ui > myform.py

will make you a Python script myform.py which, as well as importing for
use by a program, you can ALSO execute directly with

python myform.py

in order to see the form it contains.


pyuic -help

for a summary of pyuic's handy commandline options.


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