What "Content-type" shall I use?

Thomas Guettler guettli at thomas-guettler.de
Sat May 3 08:00:38 EDT 2003

On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 11:52:09AM +0200, A wrote:
> If a form uses
>  "multipart/form-data" instead of 
> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
> in which form params (data) must be?

In the python cookbook there is a recipie. Here it is:

#The following functions are from the python cookbook
def post_multipart(host, selector, fields, files, user, password):
    Post fields and files to an http host as multipart/form-data.
    fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields.
    files is a sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be
    uploaded as files
    Return the server's response page.
    content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files)
    h = httplib.HTTP(host)
    h.putrequest('POST', selector)
    h.putheader('content-type', content_type)
    h.putheader('content-length', str(len(body)))
    h.putheader("AUTHORIZATION", "Basic %s" % string.replace(
        base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (user, password)),
        "\012", ""))
    h.putheader('User-agent', 'uploadclient')
    errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
    print "%s: Upload of http://%s%s %s errcode: %s errmsg: %s headers: %s" % (
        time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        host, selector, files[0][1],
        errcode, errmsg, headers)

    return h.file.read()

def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files):
    fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields.
    files is a sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be
    uploaded as files
    Return (content_type, body) ready for httplib.HTTP instance
    BOUNDARY = '----------ThIs_Is_tHe_bouNdaRY_$'
    CRLF = '\r\n'
    L = []
    for (key, value) in fields:
        L.append('--' + BOUNDARY)
        L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key)
    for (key, filename, value) in files:
        L.append('--' + BOUNDARY)
        L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' %
                 (key, filename))
        L.append('Content-Type: %s' % get_content_type(filename))
        L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--')
    body = CRLF.join(L)
    content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY
    return content_type, body

def get_content_type(filename):
    return mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
#End of code from python cookbook

Thomas Guettler <guettli at thomas-guettler.de>

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