pydoc and latin-1/iso-8859-1/scandinavian letters

Rami Saarinen rs55862 at
Thu May 22 07:21:55 EDT 2003

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>A quick newbie question: Is there any way to get the latin-1 characters
>>to show up correctly on the pydoc output? Currently it seems that the
>>next letter after the latin-1 character (such as ä) is not displayed.
>>For example the text "tämä on testi" will show up as "tääon testi".
> That is highly platform dependent. The terminal you are using may not
> support
> Latin-1, in which case it won't help that the doc strings are in Latin-1.
> What
> terminal are you using? If you are using Linux: what locale are you using?

This thought also occurred to me earlier today and - blimey! -  it 
really was the console settings of my Linux. I just hadn't paid any 
attention to it before. :|

Nonetheless, thanks for the answers.

Rami Saarinen

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