The most annoying typo error...

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed May 7 07:45:35 EDT 2003

Peter Ballard wrote:
> ....Is when I do something like this:
> x = somefunction(a, b, c, d),
> and when I run Python I get a TypeError error.
> You spotted the error immediately didn't you? The line of code above
> has a trailing comma, so that x is suddenly a tuple; and so when I get
> around to using x I get a TypeError.
> I don't know about anyone else, but for me, this error always takes a
> long time to track down.

If you really have this problem frequently enough (or ever?!) to be
an annoyance, just write a script that checks for it... grep can be
a handy tool...  in my experience, this is NOT something that most,
let alone many, programmers make.


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