ANN: PyOSG 0.4.0 - Python OpenSceneGraph bindings

gideon may gideon at
Thu May 29 12:52:31 EDT 2003

Announcing Python OpenSceneGraph bindings version 0.4.0 alpha

PyOSG is a wrapper library for the the OpenSceneGraph real-time
visualisation library and Python. It is available at

The Open Scene Graph is a cross-platform C++/OpenGL library for the
real-time visualization. Uses range from visual simulation, scientific
modeling, virtual reality through to games.
OpenSceneGraph is available at

PyOSG uses the Boost.Python library, which enables a very powerful set 
of features like subclassing C++ classes in Python, default arguments,
function overloading.
Boost.Python is available at

Python 2.2.X
OpenSceneGraph 0.9.4
Producer 0.8.2-2
Boost.Python 1.30.0

PyOSG has been tested on Windows 2000/NT using the MSVC.Net 7.0 compiler
and Linux 2.4.X using the gcc 3.2 C++ compiler.

Best regards,

gideon may

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