[help]How to load a class dynamic?

dolephi9080 member27604 at dbforums.com
Tue May 13 21:32:00 EDT 2003

Yes, you are right my info is not detail.  I think the first step I
should make the instance. and than assume the manifest of the 3 party
provide another method and the argument of that method.
it's look like this
class = "MyPackage.MyModule.MyClass"
method = "performAction"
argument = "some value"

After I make the instance from the class, I think I can use
introspection to call the method and argments. That's my hypothesis. I
am not sure it can work or not. So what I can do is try to solve the
first problem and than  go to the second step.

and what your mean is when the constructor without any argument the way
you are telling can work very well. if the constructor need argument
will broken the way, right?

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