How to programmatically discern whether or not a file is use

Gerhard Häring gh at
Sat May 31 12:07:52 EDT 2003

Techead wrote:
> How can a Python program determine whether or not a file
> is use by another process? [...]

There is no function in the standard library. There are
system-dependent tools that you could interface using os.popen and
friends. If you want to get fancy, you can grab their source code and
implement a library in C.

On Linux the tool you'll want is 'fuser':

gerhard at mephisto:/tmp$ fuser /var/log/messages
gerhard at mephisto:/tmp$ su
mephisto:/tmp# fuser /var/log/messages
/var/log/messages:     395
mephisto:/tmp# ps ax|grep 395
  395 ?        S      0:00 /sbin/syslogd
mephisto:/tmp# exit
gerhard at mephisto:/tmp$ 

As you see this will need superuser privileges on some systems.


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