[help]How to load a class dynamic?

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Tue May 13 04:21:21 EDT 2003

dolephi9080 schreef op dinsdag 13 mei om 09:37:55 +0000:
> Suppose I have some 3 party Modules, and In my program, I don't know
> what is the 3 party classes are, but I can find the name from the 3
> party's Module.
> it provide a manifest, it has a line classname =
> "mypackage.mymodule.MyClass"
> now my program read this line, and how to instance the class from
> this string?

You can use exec for that:

  6 >>> exec "a=A()"
  7 >>> a
<__main__.A instance at 0x400c7aac>


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