Python vs VB

vivek kumar gupt_vive at
Mon May 19 01:39:15 EDT 2003

Hi all,

  I am working with python for previous 6-7 months. The more I learn it the 
more I enjoy it. I started with some command line programs, then tried CGI 
programming, wrote some shopping cart like apps, then turned to GUI apps 
used Tk, for reporting ReportLab and worked with PostgreSQL and MySQL and 
currently I am trying my hands on Firebird/kinterbasdb.

Then there is one of my friend who is working with VB. So, this sunday we 
were having a discussion (rather debate) on Python vs VB. He told me that in 
VB u can create GUI easily, I told that you can create a lot more easily 
that in Python and with very fine control over that. He told me that 
reporting is very easy in VB, I said that with Reportlab U have control on 
each cell in a table and can format each sell seperatly and so on.

Then he asked me one thing on which I was struck and I have to told him that 
for this I have to ask experts on mailing list. Here is what he has done in 
VB and asked me whether u can do it in Python. So I am requesting you people 
to please help me in this. Here is what he asked me.

Like an app is running on windows (say Messanger). It has an OK button. Now 
what You have to do is from your Python program you have to call the click 
function of that OK button widget.

For this he also gave me a hint that for this U have to first get the handle 
for that particular widget and he used some windows API for that. But as I 
was not a good student in VC++ also, so I don't know what API can be used 
for that. :-(

Please HELPPPPPP !!!

Vivek Kumar

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