Used to 'file = open(...)', now what?

John Hunter jdhunter at
Wed May 7 16:46:36 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Grzegorz" == Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha at> writes:
    Grzegorz> But with Python 2.2 file() is a builtin constructor,
    Grzegorz> making open deprecated, possibly dropped in a future
    Grzegorz> version. Now what would be the "usual" way to name file
    Grzegorz> variables without hiding the constructor?

I sometimes use

  fh = file('somefile.dat')       # for file handle

  fi = file('somefile.dat', 'r')  # for file input
  fo = file('somefile.dat', 'w')  # for file output

or if you like longer names

  inFile = file('somefile.dat', 'r')  
  outFile = file('somefile.dat', 'w')  

Also, often you don't need to name it at all

  for line in file('somefile.dat'):
      print line

I don't think there is 'a preferred way'.


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