Newbie poll: GUI building in Python

Kevin Dahlhausen kdahlhaus at
Wed May 21 15:37:03 EDT 2003

I use SpecPython which is a plugin for SpecTCL which is a free TCL gui

Also, the newly resurrected FLTK python wrappers can generate code
from the FLTK FLUID gui builder.

C42 <nospam at> wrote in message news:<BQ9ya.309$Z24.227011 at>...
> After spending some time researching wxPython and Tkinter, I can't help 
> but wonder, "Do most people create their original GUI designs from a 
> text file or do they use some other tool (wxDesigner, etc.)?"
> I must admit that I am from a VB world and designing my GUIs via text is 
> somewhat unusual to me.

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