The most annoying typo error...

Peter Ballard pballard at
Wed May 7 04:00:58 EDT 2003

....Is when I do something like this:

x = somefunction(a, b, c, d),

and when I run Python I get a TypeError error.

You spotted the error immediately didn't you? The line of code above
has a trailing comma, so that x is suddenly a tuple; and so when I get
around to using x I get a TypeError.

I don't know about anyone else, but for me, this error always takes a
long time to track down.

So my question is: has anyone come up with some way of alerting users
to this sort of error? (e.g. more verbose TypeError messages? Emacs
warning ["Did you really mean to create a 1 element tuple?"??) Just


Peter Ballard
pballard at

"Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you" - Jesus
(Matthew 5:44, NIV)

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