A possible lazy evaluation system?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Mar 11 09:08:44 EST 2003

    Stephen> You could then write something like...

    Stephen>   def IF (c, lambda x, lambda y) :
    Stephen>     if c :
    Stephen>       return x ()
    Stephen>     else :
    Stephen>       return y ()

    Stephen> ...and call it with...

    Stephen>   IF (y != 0, x/y, 1000000)

    Stephen> The 'lambda' asserts that the parameters expression gets
    Stephen> converted to a parameterless lambda instead of being evaluated
    Stephen> immediately.

>From a technical standpoint, I think the main problem is the complication to
the bytecode compiler.  Note that when compiling a function call, it would
have to have the function prototype available to it.  More insidious:

    class Foo:
        def IF(self, c, lambda x, lambda y):


and somewhere else:

    foo = Foo()

and further down, maybe way, far away:


where murphy is defined as

    def murphy(bar):
        return bar.IF(y != 0, x/y, 1000000)

How does the compiler know (at compile-time) that bar.IF is going to be
bound at runtime to Foo.IF so it can check the laziness of the parameters
and generate the proper code?


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