Wishlist: string attributes

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Thu Mar 27 10:57:22 EST 2003

Alex Martelli wrote:

><posted & mailed>
>Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>>"Stephen Boulet" <stephen.boulet at motorola.com> wrote in message
>>news:3E807948.5040401 at motorola.com...
>>>Being a big fan of string methods, here's what I'd like to see for python
>>>I can access string methods like (str.lower) but I would like to be able
>>>access all string module attributes without importing the string module
>>>str.ascii_lowercase, str.whitespace, etc.).
>>The plan is to use functions like str.isascii() instead of attributes.
>That covers the typical usecase of "if c in string.whatever:", and
>indeed may substantially improve performance for that use, but it's
>no big help for all other uses of having "all the letters" &c available,
>such as building tables for the wonderfully fast translate method
>of string objects.  Consider a typical case: I need to make a copy
>of a string that removes all non-digits (more often the issue will be
>"all non-printable characters" or the like, but I'm taking an example
>which today offers me both a .isXXX method AND a string.XXX attr).
>== rr.py:
>from string import digits, maketrans
>allchars = ''.join(map(chr, range(256)))
>notrans = maketrans('', '')
>nondigits = allchars.translate(notrans, digits)
>def rem1(s, notrans=notrans, nondigits=nondigits):
>        return s.translate(notrans, nondigits)
>def rem2(s):
>        return ''.join([c for c in s if c.isdigit()])
>def rem3(s):
>        return ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, s))
>s = '23skidoo and 148!'
>== end of rr.py
>[alex at lancelot alex]$ python timeit.py -s 'import rr' 'rr.rem1(rr.s)'
>100000 loops, best of 3: 7.6 usec per loop
>[alex at lancelot alex]$ python timeit.py -s 'import rr' 'rr.rem2(rr.s)'
>10000 loops, best of 3: 42.6 usec per loop
>[alex at lancelot alex]$ python timeit.py -s 'import rr' 'rr.rem3(rr.s)'
>10000 loops, best of 3: 34.7 usec per loop
>[alex at lancelot alex]$
>So, in practice, I *DO* still need a string of "all letters", "all
>printable characters", and the like, for purposes such as this one --
>even though I had a complete complement of .isXXX methods too.  Guess
>I can always ''.join(filter(str.isXXX, allchars)), but I'd much
>rather have the needed strings ready in the str class as I now have
>them in the string module... is there any technical impediment to
>supplying them?

Why not make this an attribute of the str type? You could access them 
using "str.digits".

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