ReportLab and barcodes

Svenne Krap usenet2002 at
Wed Mar 12 10:10:44 EST 2003


I have a little problem figuring out, how imports are working.
I am running Python 2.2.2 on windows and I have installed RL. 
After that I found and installed the barcodes extension.
In the installation i put unpacked the files into
<pythondir>\lib\site-packages (so that the reportlab directory was
equal to the installed reportlab and the .py files are in
<reportlabdir>\extensions\barcode\* )

When doing : 

import reportlab.pdfgen everything works fine


import reportlab.extensions.barcode.code128

barks the following error : 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in ?
    import reportlab.extensions.barcode.code128
ImportError: No module named extensions.barcode.code128

What is wrong ?



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