A suggestion for a possible Python module

Matt Gerrans mgerrans at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 9 16:38:34 EST 2003

> > For this one, I'd prefer locale.format().
> Jp Calderone
> > This is the most common alternative solution I hear, and I don't
> > think it's right.
> I agree.  My spec was to put commas into numbers, with an
> example which implied it was using the US convention.  Eg, it could
> be that the input goes to a program which isn't format aware, so
> it *must* be in that form.

Yes, I must admit, I have a little commas-adding module I often use that has
one method which uses locale and the other which looks like this:

def AddCommas(x):
   Returns x in the form of a string, with comma formatting.
   eg: 123456789 -> 123,456,789
   This is my old implementation (commas(), which uses the locale module is
   the new fangled technology), which figures out where to put the commas
   hard way.
   if type(x) != type(0L):
      x = long(x)

   if abs(x) < 1000:
      return "%d" % x

   chunks = []
   neg = 0
   if x < 0:
      neg = 1
      x = -x

   while x > 999:
      chunks.append( x - (x / 1000) * 1000 )
      x = x / 1000


   if neg:
      s = "-%d" % chunks[0]
      s = "%d" % chunks[0]

   for i in chunks[1:]:
      s = s + ",%03d" % i
   return s

I guess it needs to be enhanced for floating point values...

- Matt

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