Embedding python into a windows application

Andres Rosado arosado at softhome.net
Tue Mar 18 19:43:13 EST 2003

On 11:11 AM 3/12/2003 -0500, python-list-request at python.org feed this fish 
to the sharks:
>A side note, we eventually went back to linking the dll to the application
>because doing the above
>caused some problems, in that when trying to import modules into a script
>that relied on other dlls,
>those dlls would not load.

How would this be done? Is there any example on the web?

Thank you!

Andres Rosado
Email: andresr at despammed.com
ICQ: 66750646
Homepage: http://andres980.tripod.com/
Get my PGP key at http://andres980.tripod.com/pgp-key.asc

Fortune's Real-Life Courtroom Quote #41:

Q:  Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?
A:  By death.
Q:  And by whose death was it terminated?  

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