Website using Python--what's best architecture? CGI?

Jack Diederich jack at
Fri Mar 14 18:16:16 EST 2003

On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 12:55:33PM -0800, Chris wrote:
> 2. What are other options available via commercial hosts?  Is
> something like "mod_python" or "Webware" commonly available on
> commercial hosts (I know nothing much about either one, btw)?  Or some
> of the other Python web application frameworks I see mentioned?  Seems
> like a lot of these would require that you own the hosting machine and
> have total control over it, which wouldn't be an option here.

This is the crux, if you don't control the box you are pretty much stuck with
CGI.  There are some commercial providers that have more support for python,
google or find the page on or google on
This question comes up frequently, and is answered almost as frequently.


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