wxPython (SplitterWindow and sizers)

Peter Vizvary vizvary at htivx1.hti.matav.hu
Wed Mar 19 08:49:59 EST 2003

I am playing with wxPython and need some help, please.
I would like to put sizer-arranged objects into the 
wxSplitterWindow's windows. E.g.:

wxTextCtrl1  wxPanel1  <--  sizer1
---------------------  <--  splitter sash
wxTextCtrl2  wxPanel2  <--  sizer2

I can't figure out, how should I do this, where should
I give the SetSizer calls, etc. (Without sizers everything
is OK., of course...)
Could you give me some basic example, please?
(The wxSplitterWindow demo doesn't use sizers.)


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