Integer arithmetic

Christian Tismer tismer at
Tue Mar 25 05:30:24 EST 2003

Alex Martelli wrote:
> Daniel Timothy Bentley wrote:
>>I am currently embarking on the utterly futile and mildly recursive task
>>of implementing a C interpreter in python (Jython specifically).
>>Right now, I'm trying to think about integer ops.

> so you code
>     foo = makeint(bar + baz)
> with some makeint function such as the above one.

I had a similar problem for the PyPy project. In order
to overcome the problem of always having to call
conversion functions, I wrote a class that tries
to promote its restricted type through expressions.

So if you start a variable by

x = r_int(42)

and perform any integer operations on it, the result
will stay in the same domain.

Feel free to use the attached code as you like.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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