Has anyone created a simple POP3 and SMTP server using TWISTED?

Jp Calderone exarkun at intarweb.us
Thu Mar 13 16:25:34 EST 2003

On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 08:59:31PM +0000, Zoo Keeper wrote:
> Or by any other means for that matter.
> I have two domains, one for me, one for my wife, for our web sites.  I
> want our own mail servers because our ISP has changed names 3 times in 4
> years.  Right now I am using a great product (my server is BeOS, btw)
> but it is a trial version and the minimal license is for 50 users and
> costs too much.  So, I figured I'd write one in Python, but I wanted to
> check here first to make sure it hasn't already been done so that I am
> not wasting time researching and writing something that already
> exists...

  Twisted.Mail (one of the "dot" products) should be able to handle this.  I
currently use it to server POP3 (and POP3/ssl), but not to handle incoming
SMTP (only because I already had postfix configured when I decided to start
using it).  The POP3 code is in good shape, but I can't speak to the SMTP
portions.  If they need work, it is probably only minor :)

  Setup is easy, just play around with 'mktap mail'.  Feel free to mail me
off-list (or the Twisted list) if you want any more specific pointers.


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