A suggestion for a possible Python module

Lance LaDamage lance-ladamage at rogers.com
Mon Mar 3 17:46:42 EST 2003

I have noticed that there is one thing that everyone wishes to do in Python
... reverse a string. As you know, in Visual Basic, the function for
performing this operation is indeed StrReverse(s). I have compiled a new
module for possible addition to the Python module library
([driveletter]:\[pythondir]\Lib). It is located at
http://sourcepost.sytes.net/sourceview.aspx?source_id=4105. Tell me what you
think of it. If you do like the idea, but do not want it to be an entirely
seperate module, you could also put it in the string module. You can take
out the credits() and help() functions if you want. You may modify the
module in any way you wish, except for the reverse(s) function. Thanks and
Best Wishes ...


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