GUI Toolkits(Python and XUL)

Thomas G. Willis thomas.g.willis at
Sat Mar 8 14:32:16 EST 2003

Yeah I've researched this a little bit, python can be used to generate 
XUL documents just as easily as it can be used to generate XML, HTML or 
any SGML derivative, however, XUL can contain application logic for 
manipulating the DOM and wire in application logic from components. 
These components can be either Javascript files, or C++ Modules that 
implement XPCom(a mozilla version of com, basically a binary interface 
spec like com and corba).

So, if I wanted to render a UI in XUL to yield all the benefits of HTML 
in the presentation logic, but have event handlers from the DHTML DOM 
point to/call/manipulate objects written in python, I'm S.O.L. right 
now. Supposedly the mozilla folks are working on this or at least have 
stated a desire to get XUL into languages other than C++ or Javascript.

Correct me if I'm wrong

Tom Willis

ERROR 406: file corrupt: --- reboot universe (Y/N)
ERROR 404: Universe not found.

Bob Ballard wrote:
>  and you get quite a bit.
> Thomas G. Willis wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm a newbie to python. And I'm really excited about exploring python 
>> and putting it to work.
>> I wanted to know if there are any reccomended GUI toolkits for python. 
>> I've played around with Tkinter a little bit and I haven't noticed 
>> anything like treeviews and listviews, so it seems a little 
>> incomplete. What would the python experts consider to be the most 
>> complete GUI toolkit? I'm primarily developing on Windoze, cuz that's 
>> what I get paid to do. But cross platform capability would be a bonus, 
>> but lacking such would not be a show stopper necessarily.
>> I'd really like to use Mozilla with all the cool XUL stuff, but I've 
>> only seen theory about the ability for XUL to call python scripts 
>> instead of Javascript.
>> So what are my options?

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