Code to recognize MS-Word document files?

Nick Vargish nav at
Tue Mar 4 13:20:40 EST 2003

grante at (Grant Edwards) writes:

> Almost all of the "Office" documents that I receive are from
> word, so it's good enough for a first order solution.

That's bad enough, but when you start getting Excel files in e-mail,
it's time to run screaming for the hills.

We get our office phone list in Excel for some reason, and it really
gets my panties in a knot. So to speak.


#  ||  version 0.2  ||  2003-01-07  ||  Feed this to your Python.
print reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(ord(y)-1),'Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAqbusjpu/ofu?','')

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