ogg, UML, twisted vs. zope

Harry LeBlanc hleblanc at bitstream.net
Sun Mar 9 19:57:36 EST 2003

Hi, I'm in the process of speccing out & designing a website that will 
serve up audio in ogg format. I'm a seasoned java/j2ee programmer, but a 
newbie both with python and streaming audio. I've heard great things 
about python, and I'm checking out the tools available before I decide 
on whether to program in python or java.
What kind of tools are available in python for streaming an ogg file to 
a single end user (as opposed to a shoutcast-style stream)? All the 
links I've found to pyshout seem to be broken. Any good books on using 
python with streaming audio on the web? (I have the Zope book, Learning 
Python, and Programming Python.)
Also, are there python object-modeling tools that are the equivalent of 
java's ArgoUML project? (ArgoUML is a gui tool for building UML class 
diagrams and automatically generating the java source code.)
Also, how do Twisted & Zope compare for rapid website development?
You can email me directly at hleblanc at bitstream.net. Thanks for all the 

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