Observer pattern thoughts

george young gry at
Thu Mar 6 15:42:32 EST 2003

I'm using an observer pattern as part of a model-view-presenter/controller GUI
app.  I had simply grabbed someone's source file with observer/observable 
classes and crunched along, inheriting from these classes and using register,
notify, etc.  But it seems to me that the classic Observable (adapted from
type-anal C++):

class Observable:
    def __init__(self):
        self.observers = []
    def register(self, o):
    def un_register(self, o):
    def notify(self):
        for o in self.observers:

class Myobservable(Observable):

class Myobserver:
    def update(selfm model):
    def __init__(self):
        mo = myobservable()

is unnecessarily restrictive and inflexible for python code.
Why require an observer to
and define a member update(self), when it seems like the observable
could just take a callable object and call it:

class NewObservable:
    def notify(self):
        for o in self.observers:

ob = myobserverclass()

This scheme keeps the simplest interface, but allows one observer to
have as many different observables as wanted, with different update
functions.  Or one update func with different attributes via a lamda curry:

ob1.register(lambda :ob.func(someval))
ob2.register(lambda :ob.func(otherval))

Am I missing something?  Am I still suffering from C++ toxicity after
two years of pythonic bliss?

-- George
 I cannot think why the whole bed of the ocean is
 not one solid mass of oysters, so prolific they seem. Ah,
 I am wandering! Strange how the brain controls the brain!
	-- Sherlock Holmes in "The Dying Detective"

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