Curses - Win/dos

Grant Edwards grante at
Tue Mar 11 17:41:24 EST 2003

In article <m3llzlk09m.fsf at>, Andrew Markebo wrote:

>|   I was trying to play around with curses .. and the docs say to import
>| curses (ofcourse) and run a few methods to setup the screen and such..
> curses is not included in the standard pure windows build of python,
> main reason is that there are not much curses libraries out there for
> pure windows (haven't found when looking around, a while ago though).

There's an implimentation called pdcurses that's available for
Win32.  I've never used it, and have no idea if it's compatible
with the Python curses package.  AFAIK, there isn't a Win32
port of ncurses [the curses packages used by Linux].

> Note the pure.. ;-) If you use the cygwin (or djgpp I think)
> version of python, curses is included there.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  All right, you
                                  at               degenerates! I want this
                                 place evacuated in 20

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