Finding out the weekday

Anna revanna at
Tue Mar 25 23:16:26 EST 2003

posted and mailed

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 21:05:08 +0000, Jorge Godoy wrote:

> "Mark McEahern" <marklists at> writes:
>> [Jorge Godoy]
>>> Is there any Python module that given a particular date it returns me
>>> the day of the week? I'm needing it for some special calculations
>>> involving dates...
>>   import time
>>   weekday = time.localtime()[6]
>> As help(time) says, Monday is 0.
> Thanks. I had found this before posting... I told in the other message
> that the calendar module seems more suitable for what I'm needing.
> I appreciated a lot your answer.

I'm curious what you're doing with date calculations. It's kindof a hobby
of mine. <Okay, I know that's kinda wierd> 

Anyways, if you're willing, I'd appreciate hearing what you're doing with


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