Has anyone created a simple POP3 and SMTP server using TWISTED?

Donn Cave donn at u.washington.edu
Mon Mar 17 19:55:29 EST 2003

Quoth Jp Calderone <exarkun at intarweb.us>:
| On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 10:45:44PM +0000, Donn Cave wrote:
|> Quoth "Steve Holden" <sholden at holdenweb.com>:
|> | "Donn Cave" <donn at drizzle.com> wrote in message
|> | news:1047616632.623178 at yasure...
|> ...
|> |> But there are some limitations.  One that comes to mind is that an
|> |> open socket doesn't survive across a fork, so you may want to start
|> |
|> | If this is so, how does inetd work?
|> Doesn't.
|   You're kidding, right?

Not at all.  Why?

|>|> with a single-threaded server that deals with each connection one
|>|> by one.  That should work for POP and SMTP, though probably will need
|>|> a select with timeout in front of all reads, so the occasional stuck
|>|> client doesn't jam the works.
|>| I'm not sure I can agree with this. Are you suggesting that it isn't
|>| possible to concurrently handle multiple connections to the same server
|>| port, or am I misunderstanding?
|> That is indeed possible - it's Berkeley sockets to that extent.  The 
|> problem is only that without fork, you need to use threads, and that
|> adds some implementation problems that it seems to me you might
|> profitably postpone until at least the 2nd generation.  Unless multi-
|> threaded programs are second nature to you already, but then in that
|> case you'd probably disregard my advice anyway.  (Using "you" in the
|> impersonal sense.)
|   This is wrong.  http://python.org/doc/lib/socket-objects.html - See the
| setblocking() method.
|   I can only assume that such selective ignorance of reality is feigned, and
| you simply have a personal dislike of asynchronous and non-blocking network
| architectures.

Yes and no - I don't much care for setblocking(), if that's what you
mean by a non-blocking network architecture, but I actually am a big
fan of asynchronous operations.  But if you're going to handle multiple
concurrent clients with select() and/or non-blocking sockets, that still
leaves you with a good deal of work to do, work that other implementors
of these services never had to do because each connection runs in its
own fork.  Given the choice between that and threads, I would say threads
in this case (as they are well supported by the platform.)  But (again,
in this case, for the details of which I am going to have to hope you
have actually been following the present thread) either is unnecessarily
complex given the requirements.

	Donn Cave, donn at u.washington.edu

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