Why no RE match of A AND B?

Paddy paddy3118 at tiscali.co.uk
Tue Mar 4 03:37:17 EST 2003

David LeBlanc wrote:
> <snip>
>>And now for a pragmatic point: if the & operator was ever so slightly
>>useful, or ever so slightly demanded, or ever so slightly easy to
>>implement, it would have surfaced in a certain language long before

But do they think indentation for block structure is useful? Demanded?

> A certain molluskian by-product language seems to have Big Things in mind
> for REs in it's next incarnation, should it happen. The write-up is detailed
> and interesting.
> Dave LeBlanc
> Seattle, WA USA

I've bin there, read about it. from that I got the point that something that has been 
stagnant for many years - a languages regexp package - is now being re-thought in quite 
revolutionary ways.
If they can do it, it makes me think that the re packages contents are up for review!

(That document on perl 6 REs I guess were both on about).


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