Novice needs help with py2exe

William Umboh chimera4 at
Thu Mar 20 08:56:20 EST 2003

Actually, I just copied the example on the py2exe website and
it worked... for a while. After that, I kept getting the "something's
wrong" error. I didn't change a thing in the script, it just
refused to work.

But when I tried downloading the samples provided on the same page,
then copying the to the folder with my scripts and then
changing the 'scripts' field to the name of my own script, it worked.
I don't know whether it will continue working in the future. Perhaps
you can try it out as well and see if it works.

By the way, is there any other way to get to mcmillan's installer? seems to be down and I can't get to the installer.
Also, between py2exe and mcmillan's installer, which is better for
which purpose?

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