A suggestion for a possible Python module

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed Mar 5 08:46:07 EST 2003

"Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at udel.edu> writes:

> As near as I can tell, the 19 February 2003 2.3a2 Ref Man, Section
> 5.3.3 Slicings, (on python.org) has not been updated to specify the
> long_slice behavior when *not* used as a dict key but used for seq
> access.

Argh!  I wrote documentation as part of my original patch, but then
Steve Holden wiped it out in a checkin 3 days later.

I'll mend it.


  Our lecture theatre has just crashed. It will currently only
  silently display an unexplained line-drawing of a large dog
  accompanied by spookily flickering lights.
     -- Dan Sheppard, ucam.chat (from Owen Dunn's summary of the year)

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