Object oriented databae for Python

Konstantin Knizhnik knizhnik at garret.ru
Fri Mar 21 13:31:32 EST 2003

Hello achrist,

This is problem with definition DL_EXPORT macro in Python 2.2.2
With 2.3 it works ok, but not with 2.2.2.
May be I just do not define some environment variable. But neither
USE_DL_EXPORT, USE_DL_IMPORT properly works:

In pyconfig.h we have:

#define DL_IMPORT(RTYPE) __declspec(dllimport) RTYPE
#define DL_IMPORT(RTYPE) __declspec(dllexport) RTYPE
#define DL_EXPORT(RTYPE) __declspec(dllexport) RTYPE

And in python.h:

#ifndef DL_IMPORT       /* declarations for DLL import/export */
#ifndef DL_EXPORT       /* declarations for DLL import/export */

So looks like USE_DL_EXPORT should be used for building Python core,
and USE_DL_IMPORT is not enough for building proper client extension
- it doesn't define DL_EXPORT, so module init function is not

That is why in original version I did it it  such way:

#ifdef _WIN32
    Py_InitModule("pythonapi", dybase_methods);

But Gerhard send me patch where this my hack was removed (by using
DL_EXPORT macro).
At this moment I already forgot the reason of such hack, so I check
that this code works (with Python 2.3) and apply the fix.
I forgot about the problem with Python 2.2.
So no I am going to return back to my original code which should work
with both versions of Python. Or may be there is some better solution?

Friday, March 21, 2003, 8:18:05 PM, you wrote:

aec> achrist at easystreet.com wrote:
>> I expect I'll be trying to re-build this with MSVC++ v6 with
>> debugging off in a couple of hours.

aec> Here's what I did:

aec> 1. Changed makefile.mvc to what shown below

aec> 2. Changed Make.Bat to what shown below

aec> 3. Changed Compile.Bat in the Python Dir of Dybase to what shown below

aec> I ran Make.Bat and Compile.Bat, and they each appear to work.

aec> I set up and ran a batch file to run the examples (below)

aec> Example Guess.Py gives an error:

aec>         Traceback (most recent call last):
aec>         File "I:\Python\Lib\site-packages\dybase\python\guess.py", line
aec>                 6, in ?
aec>         import dybase
aec>         File "I:\Python\Lib\site-packages\dybase\python\dybase.py",
aec>                 line 6, in ?
aec>                 import pythonapi
aec>         ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function
aec>                 (initpythonapi)

aec> Al

aec> ----------------New MakeFile.Mvc Follows-----------------------
aec> # -*- makefile -*-
aec> # Makefile for Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 and
aec> higher compiler

aec> OBJS = btree.obj database.obj dybase.obj file.obj pagepool.obj 

aec> INCS = database.h btree.h buffer.h file.h hashtab.h pagepool.h stdtp.h
aec> sync.h ..\inc\dybase.h

aec> DYBASE_LIB = ..\lib\dybase.lib

aec> DYBASE_DLL = ..\lib\dybasedll.dll

aec> CC = cl

aec> COMMON_FLAGS = -I. -GX -I..\inc -c -nologo 


aec> DLLFLAGS = -LD -nologo

aec> LD = $(CC)

aec> LDFLAGS = -MD -nologo

aec> AR = lib

aec> ARFLAGS =

aec> all: $(DYBASE_LIB) $(DYBASE_DLL)

aec> btree.obj: btree.cpp $(INCS)
aec>         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) btree.cpp

aec> database.obj: database.cpp $(INCS)
aec>         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) database.cpp

aec> file.obj: file.cpp $(INCS)
aec>         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) file.cpp

aec> pagepool.obj: pagepool.cpp $(INCS)
aec>         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pagepool.cpp

aec> dybase.obj: dybase.cpp $(INCS)
aec>         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DDYBASE_DLL dybase.cpp

aec> $(DYBASE_LIB): $(OBJS)
aec>         $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) /OUT:$(DYBASE_LIB) $(OBJS)

aec> $(DYBASE_DLL): $(OBJS)
aec>         $(CC) $(DLLFLAGS) /Fe$(DYBASE_DLL) $(OBJS)

aec> cleanobj:
aec>         -del *.exp,*.obj,*.pch,*.pdb,*.ilk,*.dsp,*.dsw,*.ncb,*.opt

aec> clean: cleanobj
aec>         -del $(DYBASE_LIB),$(DYBASE_DLL)

aec> zip: clean
aec>         cd ..\..
aec>         -del dybase.zip
aec>         zip -r dybase.zip dybase

aec> --------------------------------------------------------
aec> ---------------------New Make.Bat-----------------------

aec>         set path=D:\Msvc\Bin;%PATH%
aec>         set include=D:\Msvc\Include;%path;
aec>         nmake -f makefile.mvc %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

aec> -----------------------------------------------------------
aec> ----New Compile.Bat (There are just 2 lines, ignore wrap --

aec> set PYTHON_HOME=I:\Python

aec> cl -MD -GX -LD -I%PYTHON_HOME%\Include -I..\inc -Fepythonapi.dll
aec> pythonapi.c  ..\lib\dybasedll.lib %PYTHON_HOME%\libs\python22.lib

aec> -------------------------------------------------------
aec> ----------------RunExamples.Bat -----------------------

aec>         Set Path=I:\Python\Lib\Site-Packages\Dybase\Lib;%Path%
aec>         Guess.Py
aec>         Pause
aec>         TestIndex.Py
aec>         Pause
aec>         TestLink.Py
aec>         Pause

Best regards,
 Konstantin                            mailto:knizhnik at garret.ru

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